9 Things Successful People Do Before Bed

9 Things Successful People Do Before Bed

last thing you do before bed has a significant impact on your mood and energy level for the next day. It also determines how well and how long you sleep.

Successful people are aware that their success begins - ends with mental, physical health. This is almost entirely dependent on adequate sleep intake. That's why their bedtime routine is like a ritual for them, last thing successful people do before bed is reading.

1. Read

Experts agree that reading is last thing successful people do before bed. 

Michael Kerr, international business speaker and “You Can't Be Serious! The author of “Putting Humor to Work” says he knows many business leaders who view reading right before bed as a non-negotiable activity on their calendar. “This is not just reading for work or reading for inspiration. successful people believe that reading helps them to grow their own creativity and passion in their life, with the knowledge, values ​​they have researched - found from various sources.” 

example, some successful people use this time to follow new developments and news during the day, browse tech blogs or browse Reddit & Twitter accounts, while others enjoy reading fiction novels and historical philosophies before bed.

2. Create To-Do Lists

What can i do before bed?

“It is important for almost all successful people to clear their minds before bed,” Kerr says. “They usually take the time to make a list of things they didn't have time to do during the day to add to next day. That way, they don't let these thoughts occupy their minds all night long."

3. Spend Time With Their Families

Dr. Michael Woodward, corporate psychologist and author of "The YOU Plan," says it's very important to chat with your partner, talk to your kids, or play with your dog a little. 

Laura Vanderkam, author of “What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast,” said that this is a common practice for high achievement. "I've realized that not everyone can go to bed with their partner at the same time, but if you can, it's a nice way for you to connect and talk about your day."

4. Reflect the Day

Kerr says many successful people take time to reflect or write about three things they experience and appreciate during the day. “Keeping a gratitude journal allows people to remind them of what's going on in their life that day, no matter what. This is important way to stay motivated, especially if you are going through tough times.” 

Vanderkam adds, “Taking time out during the day to think about what's going right puts you in a positive and fulfilling mood.”

5. They Meditate 

Many successful people spend 10 minutes meditating before bed. It's best way to clear your mind and rest your body, says Dale Kurow, New York-based executive coach.

6. Plains Sleep 

“Much has been written about the dangers of chronic sleep problems faced by busy people, so a common thing that few successful people I know do is prioritize getting enough sleep,” Kerr says.  this is very difficult for workaholics and entrepreneurs.” says. One way to achieve this is to go to bed at the same time every night. This important habit is recommended by all sleep experts to help you have a healthy night's sleep. 

Vanderkam recommends considering planning what to do after waking up, determining how many hours you need to sleep, setting an alarm to remind you when to go to bed. “The worst thing you can do is stay up late and hit the snooze button in the morning,” Vanderkam said. says. “People have a limited will. Why waste that willpower in the morning arguing with ourselves while we sleep in painful 10-minute snoozes?”

7. They Disconnect Completely from Work

Kerr says that truly successful people do everything but work before bed, don't obsessively check their e-mail, and try not to obsess about work-related problems.

Woodward says, “The last thing you need is to keep thinking about the email you just read from your boss, who spends your waking hours in bed assigning random tasks.” He agrees with Kerr. Give yourself some relaxation time from reading the last e-mail until you go to bed. The goal here is to take your mind off work completely before you go to sleep.

8. They Sleep With A Positive Mood

It is very easy to fall into the trap of constantly thinking and reliving the negative situations that you encounter during the day that you wish you had solved in a different way. No matter how bad your day goes, successful people avoid the pessimism of the negative self-talk spiral. Because they know that this will only cause them more stress. 

“Remember to take the time to reflect on the positive moments of the day and celebrate your achievements, no matter how little and unrealistic,” Woodward says.

9. They Picture Tomorrow's Success

Lynn Taylor, workplace expert and author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job," says that many successful people take a few moments before going to bed to think positively about the outputs of their projects. “For most, it's not a task or an exercise. They are surrounded by the natural gift of solid solubility ability.”


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